Our Management Approach
Our safety policies are designed to promote a safe working environment for our team of over 61,000 members. The Pilgrim’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System focuses on training and educating our team members and eliminating workplace hazards, meeting relevant government requirements in each operating country.
Our facilities in U.S. operate in alignment with U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. In Europe, our programs meet the Health Safety Executive Reporting of Incidents Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). In Mexico, our team tracks data according to the government Secretaria del Trabajo and the Safety and Health regulations, which are in line with OSHA standards.
Pilgrim’s facilities are equipped with a Safety Manager that oversees a team dedicated to the health and safety of our team members in our facilities. Additionally, every facility has a safety committee that is led by the facility Safety Manager or site director and includes key members from the teams on site.
To ensure we are making continuous improvement, we establish companywide and facility-specific safety goals annually and monitor leading safety indicators. Performance metrics are reported on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to management teams.
Our Management Approach
Our safety policies are designed to promote a safe working environment for our team of over 61,000 members. The Pilgrim’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System focuses on training and educating our team members and eliminating workplace hazards, meeting relevant government requirements in each operating country.
Our facilities in U.S. operate in alignment with U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. In Europe, our programs meet the Health Safety Executive Reporting of Incidents Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). In Mexico, our team tracks data according to the government Secretaria del Trabajo and the Safety and Health regulations, which are in line with OSHA standards.
Pilgrim’s facilities are equipped with a Safety Manager that oversees a team dedicated to the health and safety of our team members in our facilities. Additionally, every facility has a safety committee that is led by the facility Safety Manager or site director and includes key members from the teams on site.
To ensure we are making continuous improvement, we establish companywide and facility-specific safety goals annually and monitor leading safety indicators. Performance metrics are reported on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to management teams.
Our Management Approach
Our safety policies are designed to promote a safe working environment for our team of over 61,000 members. The Pilgrim’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System focuses on training and educating our team members and eliminating workplace hazards, meeting relevant government requirements in each operating country.
Our facilities in U.S. operate in alignment with U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. In Europe, our programs meet the Health Safety Executive Reporting of Incidents Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). In Mexico, our team tracks data according to the government Secretaria del Trabajo and the Safety and Health regulations, which are in line with OSHA standards.
Pilgrim’s facilities are equipped with a Safety Manager that oversees a team dedicated to the health and safety of our team members in our facilities. Additionally, every facility has a safety committee that is led by the facility Safety Manager or site director and includes key members from the teams on site.
To ensure we are making continuous improvement, we establish companywide and facility-specific safety goals annually and monitor leading safety indicators. Performance metrics are reported on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to management teams.

Promoting Team Member Health
We acknowledge and address the occupational health concerns and needs of our team members, adhering to all relevant state and federal regulations that govern occupational healthcare delivery. Pilgrim’s has a Director of Occupational Health who is responsible for identifying potential enhancements and conducting training for the occupational health staff.
Our Ergonomic Improvement Program is designed to reduce the effects of repetition, contact stress, and static postures. This program is tailored for each facility to limit or eliminate any conditions or work activities that could potentially pose ergonomic risks at each specific site. Moreover, the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) for team members is a standard practice across all Pilgrim's facilities. Mandatory annual trainings and assessments are conducted for both ergonomics and PPE usage.
Promoting Team Member Health
We acknowledge and address the occupational health concerns and needs of our team members, adhering to all relevant state and federal regulations that govern occupational healthcare delivery. Pilgrim’s has a Director of Occupational Health who is responsible for identifying potential enhancements and conducting training for the occupational health staff.
Our Ergonomic Improvement Program is designed to reduce the effects of repetition, contact stress, and static postures. This program is tailored for each facility to limit or eliminate any conditions or work activities that could potentially pose ergonomic risks at each specific site. Moreover, the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) for team members is a standard practice across all Pilgrim's facilities. Mandatory annual trainings and assessments are conducted for both ergonomics and PPE usage.
Promoting Team Member Health
We acknowledge and address the occupational health concerns and needs of our team members, adhering to all relevant state and federal regulations that govern occupational healthcare delivery. Pilgrim’s has a Director of Occupational Health who is responsible for identifying potential enhancements and conducting training for the occupational health staff.
Our Ergonomic Improvement Program is designed to reduce the effects of repetition, contact stress, and static postures. This program is tailored for each facility to limit or eliminate any conditions or work activities that could potentially pose ergonomic risks at each specific site. Moreover, the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) for team members is a standard practice across all Pilgrim's facilities. Mandatory annual trainings and assessments are conducted for both ergonomics and PPE usage.

Health & Safety Training & Education Program
Our Occupational Health and Safety Management System focuses on proactive measures like comprehensive training, hazard identification and control, and continuous improvement to minimize work-related injuries and illnesses. From day one, new hires receive thorough training, including department-specific instruction through our Alchemy system. We also utilize written job-safety analysis (JSA) for every position to ensure safety procedures are clear and actionable.
Health & Safety Training & Education Program
Our Occupational Health and Safety Management System focuses on proactive measures like comprehensive training, hazard identification and control, and continuous improvement to minimize work-related injuries and illnesses. From day one, new hires receive thorough training, including department-specific instruction through our Alchemy system. We also utilize written job-safety analysis (JSA) for every position to ensure safety procedures are clear and actionable.
Health & Safety Training & Education Program
Our Occupational Health and Safety Management System focuses on proactive measures like comprehensive training, hazard identification and control, and continuous improvement to minimize work-related injuries and illnesses. From day one, new hires receive thorough training, including department-specific instruction through our Alchemy system. We also utilize written job-safety analysis (JSA) for every position to ensure safety procedures are clear and actionable.
Increasing Our Focus on Prevention
To ensure the successful implementation of our health and safety policies, we integrate safety data across a shared digital platform. This allows us to share best practices and identify trends across the entire organization.
Increasing Our Focus on Prevention
To ensure the successful implementation of our health and safety policies, we integrate safety data across a shared digital platform. This allows us to share best practices and identify trends across the entire organization.
Increasing Our Focus on Prevention
To ensure the successful implementation of our health and safety policies, we integrate safety data across a shared digital platform. This allows us to share best practices and identify trends across the entire organization.
2023 Progress
2023 Progress
2023 Progress
United States*
DART (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) is a metric used by OSHA to measure the impact of workplace injuries. In 2023, we improved our Safety Index score by 19%, compared to 2022. Although we had no fatalities in 2023, Pilgrim's U.S. DART Rate and Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) increased by 7% and 11% respectively from 2022 to 2023. We will continue to strive for improved company performance around safety and allocate resources and tools to better understand and correct any issues at their core and improve the overall safety of our team members.
United States*
DART (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) is a metric used by OSHA to measure the impact of workplace injuries. In 2023, we improved our Safety Index score by 19%, compared to 2022. Although we had no fatalities in 2023, Pilgrim's U.S. DART Rate and Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) increased by 7% and 11% respectively from 2022 to 2023. We will continue to strive for improved company performance around safety and allocate resources and tools to better understand and correct any issues at their core and improve the overall safety of our team members.
United States*
DART (Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred) is a metric used by OSHA to measure the impact of workplace injuries. In 2023, we improved our Safety Index score by 19%, compared to 2022. Although we had no fatalities in 2023, Pilgrim's U.S. DART Rate and Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) increased by 7% and 11% respectively from 2022 to 2023. We will continue to strive for improved company performance around safety and allocate resources and tools to better understand and correct any issues at their core and improve the overall safety of our team members.
* 2023 industry averages not yet available
** U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Poultry Processing
*** Pilgrim’s Safety Index = number of severe injuries for every 100 employees ((Severe Injuries*200,000)/Total Hours Worked). Severe Injury = Any injury resulting in amputation, fatality, in-patient hospitalization, vision loss, second- or third-degree burns, or fractures that results in greater than 15 days lost time, and any other injury that results in greater than 15 days lost time.
* 2023 industry averages not yet available
** U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Poultry Processing
*** Pilgrim’s Safety Index = number of severe injuries for every 100 employees ((Severe Injuries*200,000)/Total Hours Worked). Severe Injury = Any injury resulting in amputation, fatality, in-patient hospitalization, vision loss, second- or third-degree burns, or fractures that results in greater than 15 days lost time, and any other injury that results in greater than 15 days lost time.
* 2023 industry averages not yet available
** U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Poultry Processing
*** Pilgrim’s Safety Index = number of severe injuries for every 100 employees ((Severe Injuries*200,000)/Total Hours Worked). Severe Injury = Any injury resulting in amputation, fatality, in-patient hospitalization, vision loss, second- or third-degree burns, or fractures that results in greater than 15 days lost time, and any other injury that results in greater than 15 days lost time.
Pilgrim’s Europe tracks data according to the Health Safety Executive RIDDOR Regulations, in accordance with OSHA standards. From 2022 to 2023, Pilgrim’s Europe experienced a decrease of 63% in DART rate but increased their Safety Index by 33%.
Pilgrim’s Europe tracks data according to the Health Safety Executive RIDDOR Regulations, in accordance with OSHA standards. From 2022 to 2023, Pilgrim’s Europe experienced a decrease of 63% in DART rate but increased their Safety Index by 33%.
Pilgrim’s Europe tracks data according to the Health Safety Executive RIDDOR Regulations, in accordance with OSHA standards. From 2022 to 2023, Pilgrim’s Europe experienced a decrease of 63% in DART rate but increased their Safety Index by 33%.
* Data includes Pilgrim’s Europe’s Chicken, Pork, and Prepared Foods businesses
** Pilgrim's Safety Index = number of severe injuries for every 100 employees ((Severe Injuries*200,000)/Total Hours Worked). Severe Injury = Any injury resulting in amputation, fatality, in-patient hospitalization, vision loss, second- or third-degree burns, or fractures that results in greater than 15 days lost time, and any other injury that results in greater than 15 days lost time.
* Data includes Pilgrim’s Europe’s Chicken, Pork, and Prepared Foods businesses
** Pilgrim's Safety Index = number of severe injuries for every 100 employees ((Severe Injuries*200,000)/Total Hours Worked). Severe Injury = Any injury resulting in amputation, fatality, in-patient hospitalization, vision loss, second- or third-degree burns, or fractures that results in greater than 15 days lost time, and any other injury that results in greater than 15 days lost time.
* Data includes Pilgrim’s Europe’s Chicken, Pork, and Prepared Foods businesses
** Pilgrim's Safety Index = number of severe injuries for every 100 employees ((Severe Injuries*200,000)/Total Hours Worked). Severe Injury = Any injury resulting in amputation, fatality, in-patient hospitalization, vision loss, second- or third-degree burns, or fractures that results in greater than 15 days lost time, and any other injury that results in greater than 15 days lost time.
In Mexico, our team tracks data according to the government Secretaria del Trabajo and the Safety and Health regulations, which comply with OSHA standards. We maintained our low 0.0 Safety Index and 0.04 DART Rate from 2022 to 2023.
In Mexico, our team tracks data according to the government Secretaria del Trabajo and the Safety and Health regulations, which comply with OSHA standards. We maintained our low 0.0 Safety Index and 0.04 DART Rate from 2022 to 2023.
In Mexico, our team tracks data according to the government Secretaria del Trabajo and the Safety and Health regulations, which comply with OSHA standards. We maintained our low 0.0 Safety Index and 0.04 DART Rate from 2022 to 2023.
* Pilgrim’s Safety Index measures the frequency of severe incidents per hour of operation. A severe incident is defined as an amputation, hospitalization, vision loss, fracture or second- or third-degree burns resulting in greater than fifteen days lost time, any injury resulting in greater than fifteen days lost time or a fatality.
* Pilgrim’s Safety Index measures the frequency of severe incidents per hour of operation. A severe incident is defined as an amputation, hospitalization, vision loss, fracture or second- or third-degree burns resulting in greater than fifteen days lost time, any injury resulting in greater than fifteen days lost time or a fatality.
* Pilgrim’s Safety Index measures the frequency of severe incidents per hour of operation. A severe incident is defined as an amputation, hospitalization, vision loss, fracture or second- or third-degree burns resulting in greater than fifteen days lost time, any injury resulting in greater than fifteen days lost time or a fatality.